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September 2019

Startup HR Consulting - Strategies for Success

One of the most important areas for a successful business is human resources (HR). This is particularly important if your business is a startup—then it is imperative that your startup HR plan be in place to ensure that your business is successful. Here is an HR startup checklist with four key start up HR positions that will get your business off on solid footing and prepare it for growth in the future.

Startup HR Consulting: Executive Search

  • Conducting a search for a People/HR leader is critical to the success of any startup company, as it has a direct impact on your business. The relationship between any leader and their employees within the company is vital to its success – a relationship cultivated by this leader’s ability to drive employee performance through a supportive system Easier said than done: according to a recent Gallup poll, the number of employees who felt their managers provided the support system they needed was only 2 out of 10, 20%. This meant that 80% of employees found their managers lacking in the strategic and leadership skills necessary to cultivate an environment that urges employees to perform to the best of their abilities. So, hiring an experienced HR executive who can not only create the right HR framework for your company but also cultivate the best culture for your company is vital to your business.
  • A human resources executive search is a key component in your startup strategy. Conducting an effective executive search will have a direct impact on your business. The relationship between managers and employees Is a critical factor in the success of any business, as managers need to relate to employees and spur them on to perform their best. However, according to a recent Gallup poll, the number of employees who actually feel their managers do this is only 2 out of 10, or 20%. Which means that 80% of employees find their managers lacking in the strategic skill of encouraging workers to perform to the best abilities! So, the top priority of any startup HR consulting is often an Executive Search to identify and hire an effective HR leader — a great investment in your business.

Professional Growth

  • People expect growth when they join a new company – whether it is to expand their repertoire of skills or to become more adept at what they currently do. It’s important for every company to create the opportunity for their employees to have professional growth in the role they are in. Training and development are positive and cost-effective measures to retain your employees. Recruiting new employees can be expensive and costly to business – especially startups that can’t afford this cost. By offering good training and development to company employees, it is a signal to them that you believe in their potential, that you have confidence in their development, and that you believe that they have a future with the company. This in turns fosters a sense of dedication and culture within the company that urges employees to want to stay and perform to the best of their abilities.
  • Training and development are very positive and cost-effective measures to retain your employees. Recruiting employees can be very expensive and cost your business a lot of money. Targeted startup HR consulting can include organizational and other training. When you offer training and development to the employees that are in your company, you are letting them know that you believe in their potential, and that you have confidence in their development, and that you believe that they have a future with your company.

Employee Relations

  • An HR professional with experience in employee relations will be of great benefit to your business. It is very important to have a third-party, objective HR official to mediate on any disagreements or problems in the workplace. Your startup HR strategy should focus on making sure that all employees feel valued and that feedback is solicited from everyone, and that management is open to creative solutions to solve problems that might arise.


  • Everyone may be happy in your business, and profits may be rolling in. But if rules are not followed and all laws are not upheld, the business faces risks. Startup HR consulting can address this need. Ultimately, a startup HR compliance officer may also be a key investment for your operation. This individual makes sure that all regulations are adhered to, and that records are kept efficiently. As your business grows, the responsibilities of your compliance officer may multiply. But do not underestimate the importance of the compliance function right from the very first day that your business begins operation.

There are innumerable details to focus on when you are starting a business. Having an effective startup HR plan will ultimately benefit your company, because right from the very beginning there will be a road map in place to support your business as it grows. Startup HR consulting (hiring a short-term advisory service) can help you begin. An in-house startup HR team can be as small as one or two individuals, but the impact that they have on the tone and effectiveness of your business is anything but small!

Frederickson Partners, a Gallagher company is a market leader in retained executive search since 1995. As one of the top-rated HR executive search and C-suite recruiting firms, we have expertise in placing Chief People Officers, Chief Human Resources Officers, Chief Diversity Officers, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Legal Officers and many other senior leaders. We draw on a broad network of rising and established executives and leaders, and a 28-year reputation as a talent acquisition and HR Advisory provider.

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