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September 2023 Newsletter

A.I. and ChatGPT? Amidst 2023’s Digital Innovations, Communication is Still the Gold Standard for Recruiting

Fall is my favorite time of year. With kids starting school and businesses getting Q4 underway, the air is brisker. It’s a great time to step back, review key trends of the year and set new directions. One of the big trends impacting all industries in 2023, including HR and recruiting, has been the exploding influence of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools. While some ask if AI will replace HR jobs, many CHROs and Chief People Officers are increasingly embracing AI as a tool to assist and complement HR in a myriad of ways, or even seeing the new digital tools as an answer to HR burnout.

As analyst Josh Bersin details in a recent in-depth report, HR today faces a bevy of complex challenges. Generative AI presents a solution for use cases that range from onboarding, to employee training and development, to wellness and retention.

At the same time, if you are recruiting top talent or seeking a new role, I believe these innovations don’t change the need for your most important personal tool—communication. Read my letter below for my thoughts on why.  Whether you are hiring or applying, I wish you success in fall 2023 in charting new paths!

Valerie's Signature

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Current Searches #1 September 2023 Newsletter Current Searches #2 September 2023 Newsletter

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Closed Searches Sept 2023 Newsletter




Portia Serame Photo Kyverna TherapeuticsWe worked with Kyverna Therapeutics, a clinical-stage cell therapy company with the mission of engineering a new class of therapies for autoimmune diseases, to find and place Portia Serame as Vice President of Human Resources.

Read more about this HR placement.






UPCOMING CONFERENCE: Hunt Scanlon Private Equity and Venture Capital Recruiting 2023

Hunt Scanlon Event Graphic SeptnewsletterWe are proud to announce Frederickson as a Silver Sponsor of Hunt Scanlon Media’s San Francisco conference, Optimizing Talent for Growth.

Join us on October 18 at the Julia Morgan Ballroom, Merchants Exchange, as we moderate a fireside chat with Jill Pergande, Managing Director, Human Capital at Gryphon Investors, “Getting the Right Leaders in Place.” We look forward to sharing more next month!


NEW BLOG POST: Executive Search Firms for Healthcare: A Strategic Partnership

Healthcare Blog Image 1200x1200Healthcare organizations today face a myriad of challenges, and a rapidly evolving industry. And they are under immense pressure to find visionary leaders who can steer them into a successful future.

This article by Beth Ann Namey, Partner Executive Search delves into these trends and explores the pivotal role that a specialist executive search firm was able to play in helping two healthcare tech organizations find top leadership talent. Read our healthcare and HR blog article.



Open Role Data PhotoOur exclusive on-demand webinar explores the intricacies of employment trends with data spanning three months. Gain invaluable insights into the dominant roles and industries within the dynamic HR executive job market landscape.

View the webinar here to stay at the forefront of industry trends and developments.


DOWNLOADABLE GUIDE: Top 8  Best Practices for Conducting Interviews

Top 8 Best Practices For Conducting An Interview Infographic Thumbnail imageWhether you have an interview process in place for your organization or could use our support in planning one, check out our best practices for interviewing developed from our research over the years. Download the 1-pager now.

As a bonus: View and download an infographic of these key practices.



Valerie Frederickson Circuled Pic

Valerie Frederickson
Founder & CEO


Amidst 2023’s Digital Innovations, Communication Remains the Gold Standard for Recruiting

With the massive transformation that new technologies like generative AI are bringing into the marketplace, and to all departments in an organization–including changes to human resources and talent acquisition jobs that promise both disruption and opportunity—I believe it’s critical not to lose sight of certain basics of communication that are always a cornerstone of successful hiring.

Whether you’re a candidate, or part of a company hiring team that is interviewing candidates for a pivotal executive role, communication is still the gold standard.

Follow these core guidelines to win top talent in a competitive hiring market—or if you’re a candidate, to win a top role.

Communication for Employers Who Are Recruiting for a Role

Let’s start first with the interviewing company. As a refresher, always remember the following guidelines. They will ensure that you don’t lose sight of practicing common courtesy when you connect with potential candidates:

As a retained search firm, we consistently follow these guidelines ourselves. We also coach candidates on ways that they can improve their skills in interviews, and on how they can come across well to clients, accentuating their relevant experience and presenting themselves in the most positive and professional way to clients.

Finally as a hiring manager, be sure also that you are being thoughtful and diligent about which employees are participating in the interview process. Don’t make that process onerous for the hiring team. Put focus on making it efficient, with must-have people involved, and nice-to-have interviews prioritized second.

Read and download our “Top 8 Best Practices for Conducting Interviews” here.

Top 8 Best Practices For Conducting An Interview Infog Small

Communication for Candidates Seeking an Executive Role

Putting the hat on as the candidate, here is a reminder of some best practices to follow if you are currently interviewing – and perhaps considering multiple offers.

Whether you are the employer or candidate, remember that communication is an attribute that is essential to attracting and retaining top talent – and it is also a key ingredient and requirement of top leadership roles.

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Frederickson Partners, a Gallagher company is a market leader in retained executive search since 1995. As one of the top-rated HR executive search and C-suite recruiting firms, we have expertise in placing Chief People Officers, Chief Human Resources Officers, Chief Diversity Officers, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Legal Officers and many other senior leaders. We draw on a broad network of rising and established executives and leaders, and a 28-year reputation as a talent acquisition and HR Advisory provider.

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